Graphisme  —  Typographie  —  Édition



Web design

Remix is originally a paper magazine directed by the Type Design DSAA of the école Estienne. It presents articles about typography from the Printemps de la Typographie, a symposium also organized by the section. The Remix website is intented to be an online version of the content shared in the reviews.

The project, created in collaboration with Zoé Wider, is conceived as a summary that opens up. The principle is simple, it consists in opening and closing "drawers" to access more information. The content is discovered like a book: first you can read Remix, like a book cover that only reveals its title. When you click on it, it unfolds and you access a first subdivision which can also be opened and so on. This principle is also used for the footnotes and the images of the articles.

Typography: Liszt by Anatole Couteau

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