Graphisme  —  Typographie  —  Édition


Terre d'Écologie Populaire

Visual identity

Bachelor graduation project around the visual identity of a rehabilitated urban wasteland: La Terre d’Écologie Populaire (Land of Popular Ecology), also called La TEP. This project follows a dissertation on open visual identities that avoid marketing strategies often in contradiction with the values of so-called citizen places. Indeed, La TEP is a place of ecological and social dynamics that is constantly evolving.

The identity is directly linked to the place. It finds its origin in the grid that dominates the entrance of the wasteland. The ribbon surround it, taking possession of the place. All the identity is declined around this idea of ribbon which guides as well as expresses itself in the public space like a banner. Finally, the place being autonomous, the identity had to be easy to implement (stencil, cheap materials...)

_dynamic identity
_screen printing